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Measuring Instrument of Hygrapha (하이그라파 감지기류) 1. Enclosed Spaces Before entering a potentially dangerous space, the atmosphere within must be tested for oxygen deficiency, flammable gases or vapours, toxic gases. A) Oxygen Deficiency The surrounding air contains an average of 20.9% oxygen by volum. Before entering enclosed spaces, the atmosphere MUST be tested. The ox-measuring device warns optically and acoustically IF the oxygen content ..
Measuring Instrument of Hygrapha (하이그라파 감지기류)
Communication of Hygrapha (하이그라파 통신부분) Requirements according to SOLAS 2004: 1.1 An emergency means comprising either fixed or portable equipment or both shall be provided for two-way communications between emergency control stations, muster and embarkation stations and strategic positions on board. Ref.: SOLAS Chapt. III/6.4.1 2.1 At least 3 two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus (GMDSS) shall be provided on every passenger ship and ..
Communication of Hygrapha (하이그라파 통신부분)
Navigation of Hygrapha (하이그라파 운항보조장비) Navigation and knowledge of the ship's exact position, speed over ground and course made good at any given time have advanced considerably within little more than a few decades, moving from an era of celestial navigation wih sextant, lead, log and lookout to one of electronically aided precision, enabling ships to operate safety almost independently of weather constraints. One argument among ma..
Navigation of Hygrapha (하이그라파 운항보조장비)
Medical Equipment of Hygrapha (하이그라파 의료장비) 1. First Aid Kids Mandatory first aid kits in lifeboats and liferafts or where otherwise available to the crew are subject to expiry, i.e. they must be renewed at periodic intervals. On commercial vessels, it is recommended that additional first aid kits equipped to a lesser extent than those for lifeboads/liferafts are available at the following locations: - a first aid kits on the bridge - a ..
Medical Equipment of Hygrapha (하이그라파 의료장비)
Oil Pollution Equipment (하이그라파 오염방지제품) Different SOPERs in force must be observed, depending on the trading area of the vessel. Subject to Port State control verification world-wide. 1. The Marpol SOPER (Regulation 26) 2. The Panama Canal SOPER (PCSOPEP) requires that vessels have shipboard SOPEP equipment ready for operational spills (without further specification). 3. The California VRP for non-tank vessels and tank vessels, speci..
Oil Pollution Equipment of Hygrapha (하이그라파 오염방지제품)
3월 세계 조선 동향 (해양과 조선) 및 해운산업에 있어 과거 최고의 불황이었던 2009년의 악몽이 꿈이었던 것이기라도 하듯, 2010년 1월 생각 외로 많은 수주 소식이 들림으로써 혹시나 하며 가졌던 기대감은 과연 꿈에 불과했던 것 같다. 2010년 2월과 3월의 클락슨 자료를 통한 1월 이후의 세계 조선 산업 시황은 그다지 좋지는 않아 보이기..
Ship Security (ISPS) (하이그라파 보안장비) The Diplomatic Conference on Maritime Security held in London in December 2002 adopted new provisions in SOLAS 2004 and the ISPS Code to enhance maritime security. These new mandatory requirements form the international framework in which ships and port facilities can cooperate to detect and deter acts which threaten security in the maritime transport sector. Chapter V was amended and Chapter X..
Ship Security (ISPS) (하이그라파 보안장비)
Occupational Safety of Hygrapha (하이그라파 안전장비) Occupational safety equipment, including personal protective equipment for eyes, face, head, as well as body protective apparel, fall safeguards etc., must be provided, used, and maintained in a sanitary and reliable condition wherever necessitated by hazards, environment, or mechanical irritants encountered in a manner capable of causing injury or impairment to the function of any part of the ..
Occupational Safety of Hygrapha (하이그라파 안전장비)
Chemical Protection of Hygrapha (하이그라파 화학방호장비) Chemical protective suits and associated equipment should be worn at all times when handling hazardous substances. Our chemical protective suits are made of strong, durable material that provides the highest level of protection available. Chemical substances/gases, some of them invisible, odourless and tasteless, can be extremely harmful to the skin and/or respiratory tract. Some chemicals may ..
Chemical Protection of Hygrapha (하이그라파 화학방호장비)
Fire Fighting of Hygrapha (하이그라파, 소방장비, 소방관장비, 해상소방장비, 유럽소방장비, MED, SOLAS, LFF, 바이킹, VIKING) Safe and efficient fire fighting operations require the readiness of approved, effective fire-fighting equipment in accordance with the relevant SOLAS regulations. Ref.: SOLAS 2004 Chapter II-2 - Fire protection, fire detection and fire extinction, (FSS Code). HYGRAPHA is highly aware that knowledge and the right equipment are essential when fighting a fire. Our various produc..
Fire Fighting of Hygrapha (하이그라파, 소방장비, 소방관장비, 해상소방장비, 유럽소방장비, MED, SOLAS, LFF, 바이킹, VIKING) #하이그라파 #Hygrapha #VIKING #VIKINGLifeSavingEquipment #소방장비 #해상소방장비 #유럽소방장비 #소방관 #소화장비 #소방관출동장비 #SOLAS #MED #LFF
Fire Fighting of Hygrapha (하이그라파, 소방장비, 소방관장비, 해상소방장비, 유럽소방장비, MED, SOLAS, LFF, 바이킹, VIKING) #하이그라파 #Hygrapha #VIKING #VIKINGLifeSavingEquipment #소방장비 #해상소방장비 #유럽소방장비 #소방관 #소화장비 #소방관출동장비 #SOLAS #MED #LFF
Fire Fighting of Hygrapha (하이그라파, 소방장비, 소방관장비, 해상소방장비, 유럽소방장비, MED, SOLAS, LFF, 바이킹, VIKING) #하이그라파 #Hygrapha #VIKING #VIKINGLifeSavingEquipment #소방장비 #해상소방장비 #유럽소방장비 #소방관 #소화장비 #소방관출동장비 #SOLAS #MED #LFF
Welcome to Hamburg in German (하이그라파, 함부르크, 독일) 겨울이 끝났습니다. 함부르크는 겨울시즌과 겨울아닌시즌으로 나눌수 있습니다. 겨울에도 나름의 품위가 있지만, 겨울아닌 시즌에도 관광등을 하기에 좋습니다. 춥지도 덥지도 않은.... 바다와 강과 운하와 호수가 잘 어우러져 있어서, 높은 건물도 없이.... 색다른 광경.... 그래도 독일에..
MARINTEC CHINA 2009 (하이그라파 중국 마린텍 전시회) Title: MARINTEC CHINA Exhibition 2009 Contents: Shipbuilding and Marine Exhibition Period: 1 - 4 December, 2009 Place: Shanghai, China Stand: 2E21-4, Hall W1 (German Pavilion) Please visit our booth during this period. We will welcom you to our booth with thanks. 하이그라파
2009년도 한국 조선수주 현황 (대략) 2009년의 수주량이 어땠냐고 물어보면 모두들 손사래를 먼저 칠 만큼 2009년 국내 조선소에서 수주한 물량은 극히 적었다. 이는 단지 국내의 경우에만 한정된 것이 아니지만, 우리나라가 그동안 조선 강국으로 전 세계 발주량을 대부분 무리 없이 수주한 전력이 많았기에 이번의 수주 급감은 국내 조선 ..
Rescue at Sea
IMO (International Maritime Organization) / 국제 해사 기구
함부르크 시기 (Hamburg Flag) 함부르크 시기
Hygrapha in Hamburg, Germany (하이그라파 함부르크) Hygrapha GmbH & Co. KG Liebigstrasse 67, D-22113 Hamburg
KORMARINE 2009 Exhibition in Busan, Korea (하이그라파 코마린전시회) Title: KORMARINE Exhibition 2009 Contents: Shipbuilding and Marine Exhibition Period: 21 - 24 October, 2009 Place: Busan, Korea Stand: P56 Please visit our booth during this period. We will welcom you to our booth with thanks. 부산 벡스코에서 열리는 KORMARINE 2009 전시회에 여러분을 초대합니다. 독일관 P56으로 방문해 주시기 바랍니다. 담당..
INMEX INDIA 2009 (하이그라파 인도 인멕스 전시회 2009) Title: INMEX India 2009 Contents: Marine/Shipbuilding Business Exhibition Stand: 1B223 Period: 24 - 26 September, 2009 Place: Bombay Exhibition Center, Mumbai, India This is one of global exhibition which Hygrapha attends. http://www.inmexindia.com/page.cfm/action=Exhib/ExhibID=00180 하이그라파