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Product/Chemical Protection

Chemical Protection of Hygrapha (하이그라파 화학방호장비)

Chemical protective suits and associated equipment should be worn at all times when handling hazardous substances. Our chemical protective suits are made of strong, durable material that provides the highest level of protection available.

Chemical substances/gases, some of them invisible, odourless and tasteless, can be extremely harmful to the skin and/or respiratory tract.

Some chemicals may present hazards on contact with human skin while others present dangers when ingested or inhaled. Our chemical protective suits provide a barrier between hazardous substances and crewmember.

When selecting protective clothing, the level of hazard presented by chemicals, depending on class and liquid or gaseous state, must be taken into account when the clothing is intended for use under emergency conditions.

For solid bulk cargoes, protective clothing must conform to the equipment requirements specified in Appendix E of the BC Code for the individual substances. For packaged goods, protective clothing must comply with the equipment requirements as specified in the Emergency Schedules (EmS) defined in the Supplement to the IMDG Code for the individual substances.

Whether or not the light type of personnel chemical protection or the heavy hooded type suit is required, will depend on the type of cargo being carried.


Ref.: SOLAS 2004, Chapt. II-2

- (Personnel Protective Clothing)

- (Self Contained Breathing Apparatuses plus Spare Charges)

- 19.3.7   (Additional Fire Extinguishers)

