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Product/Communication & Navigation

Navigation of Hygrapha (하이그라파 운항보조장비)

Navigation and knowledge of the ship's exact position, speed over ground and course made good at any given time have advanced considerably within little more than a few decades, moving from an era of celestial navigation wih sextant, lead, log and lookout to one of electronically aided precision, enabling ships to operate safety almost independently of weather constraints.

One argument among marine professionals concerns the question of the extant to which modern navigation should exclude the human input of the master or officer on watch.

Some suggest that the watch officier needs to remain involved and should not be treated as an onlooker, becoming active only when there is something that needs to be done.

In shipping, we have not yet reached the standards applying in aviation, nor do rules and regulations in force allow the classical means of navigation to be abandoned. HYGRAPHA, therefore, offers to range of nautical instruments and piloting equipment which today is still indispensable.

