Our flight crews are getting new-style survival suits as part of our constant drive to boost safety and efficiency. The new suits are 30 per cent lighter than the previous version and specially designed to withstand the rigours of North Sea conditions. As well as meeting exacting safety and performance requirements they are supplied in pairs under a flexible agreement with our supplier, Viking, meaning there will always be one ready to go, even if the other is being serviced or repaired. As well as being lighter the suits are designed to meet role-specific requirements. For example the ones worn by SAR winchmen like Jeremy - pictured (again!) include pockets designed for carrying drugs and medical equipment. ‘Under armour’ is provided to crewmen to protect them during winching operations and all suits have a separate thermal liner. All suits are European Technical Standard Order (ETSO) compliant and all the required servicing, repairs and maintenance is controlled through a iPad app from Viking, which automatically alerts crews when their suit requires servicing.
Clever stuff..
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