다양한 산업 현장에는 다양한 위험 요소가 산재해 있습니다. 전기에 의한 사고는 예외가 아닙니다.
직/간접적인 전기 사고에 의한 결과는 감전이나 그 이상의 결과가 발생하게 됩니다.
결국, 다양한 현장에서의 사고 방지를 위해서는 교육과 적합한 개인보호장비를 갖추는 것입니다.
산업안전모 EDL모델은 ENEL EA 0011/1985를 기반으로 5000V 전기에 대한 short-circuit arcs 보호 기능을 가지고 있습니다.
EN 397:2012 industrial safety helmets
EN 50365:2002 electrically insulating helmets for use on low voltage installations
Shell made of dielectric thermoplastic material
With transparent face shield certified according to EN 166
(산업)안전헬멧 + 전기안전 = EDL헬멧
EDL헬멧에 대한 비율 배분율
화염에 대한 저항 비율: 5%
가볍고 편안함에 대한 비율: 15%
기계적 충격등에 대한 저항 비율: 20%
전기 사고에 대한 저항 비율: 60%
Electric risk is generally everywhere widespread in the workplace, but there are some types of activities for which this risk is most significant.
Going into the evaluation of the electrical risk, we must distinguish between direct electrical contact (when the discharge is transmitted to the body directly from an energy source) and indirect electrical contact (when there is current passing through a conductive element). Any damage to the organism that may occur following an electrical accident varies according to the duration of the exposure, the frequency and the intensity of the current. one speaks therefore of electrocution when there is current passing through the body, or of burns and hypersensitization of the affected area following short or low intensity contacts.
The risk management measures cannot be separated from prevention, which is carried out by training the operators, carrying out regular maintenance of the plants and equipment and adopting adequate personal protective equipment.
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