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이이티 대 지진이 발생한 이후, 임시 거처에서 견디고 있는 이재민들의 위험한 환경과 다른 여러 종류의 위기 상황들을 생각해 보면, '빛'도 근대 사회에서는 필연적인 도구라고 생각합니다.
팩라이트 반딧불 USB (PackLite Firefly USB)
팩라이트 노바 USB (PackLite Nova USB)
팩라이트 스펙트라 USB (PackLite Spectra USB)
팩라이트 맥스 2in1 핸드폰 충전 (PackLite Max 2-in-1 Phone Charger)
팩라이트 히어로 2in1 슈퍼 충전 (PackLite Hero 2-in-1 Supercharger)
When we think of our most basic human needs, we often think of food, water, and shelter. But when architecture graduate students Anna Stork and Andrea Sreshta were asked to design a product to assist post-earthquake relief efforts in Haiti, they considered the dangerous conditions at night in the tent cities and turned their attention to another critical need: Light.
Now everyone’s getting the bright idea: hikers in Yosemite, backpackers in Whistler, and emergency workers in Nepal alike use LuminAID to light their way. Even the reality investment show ABC’s Shark Tank saw the LuminAID vision irresistible, and invited Anna and Andrea on the show for a chance to premiere their product on primetime.
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